Key Stage 3
Tailoring Support for Growth, Confidence and Success in Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 at Dawn House School:
Key Stage 3 is split into three class groups with pupils streamed based on their academic confidence levels and therapeutic needs – helping to ensure all pupils are provided with an appropriate peer group. Subjects are delivered on a 3-year rolling programme through Key Stage 3 to allow for this grouping approach to be successful.
The Learning Environment:
Dawn House School provides a dynamic learning environment where pupils benefit from accessing subject-specific classrooms, each equipped to support focused and engaging instruction in areas such as Science, Art, Computing and more.
In Key Stage 3 pupils start and end their day in their form room, where they register and connect with their form tutor, offering a consistent point of contact and support. This structure allows students to experience a varied and stimulating curriculum within spaces tailored to each subject, while also ensuring they have a familiar room and teacher to return to each day. This approach promotes a sense of belonging alongside specialised learning opportunities.
The Curriculum:
At Key Stage 3 pupils access a wide-ranging curriculum offer at an appropriate level and delivered by subject specialist teachers. This includes Maths, English, Science, PSHE, Art, DT, PE, History, Performing Arts, Geography, Culture, Life Skills and Computing.
During Key Stage 3 we follow the National Curriculum structure, using a curriculum which allows each pupil to thrive in a safe and secure environment, enabling them to fulfil their full potential. This is achieved through a varied and diverse curriculum designed to develop pupils knowledge, independence and confidence. The curriculum is regularly adapted to the needs of each child enabling them to be continually challenged.
Pupils at Dawn House School are proud to attend our school and have a clear understanding of the opportunities available to them, whether it being part of our sports teams, accessing a variety of trips and experiences or taking part in whole school productions.