
Careers Intent:

Careers at Dawn House School will ensure our pupils have the best opportunity of finding meaningful employment and enter adulthood as independently as possible. Careers will motivate pupils by raising aspirations and developing the skills needed to achieve to their full potential.

Pupils will explore their future opportunities through ongoing experiences from inspirational speakers and visits, to real experiences in the world of work. Pride and personal motivation will be encouraged throughout their time at Dawn House School allowing them to make a positive contribution to society.

Careers will provide opportunities for pupils to develop their understanding of soft skills and ability to communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders, so they’re able to succeed in the workplace. Students will engage in activities and experiences which broaden their horizons, enhance their knowledge of pathways and make the best decisions as they look towards their next steps and ambitions.

Students will work alongside the schools external Careers partners to receive guidance at the appropriate times, participate in work experience opportunities and employer encounters.

We aim to help students aspire to gain the understanding and skills required to follow the pathway they wish to follow beyond Dawn House School.