Attendance and absence

To report your child’s absence from school, please ring the main office on 01623 795361 by 9.30AM, complete the absence section on Weduc, send a text message to 07880 738815 or use the form below. Please ring each and every day your child is absent so their absence is accounted for. (Click here to find out more information about Weduc, our school communication app)

Please leave the following information in your message:

  • Your child’s name
  • His/her class
  • Reason for absence i.e. if they are ill please state the specific illness.
  • Your relationship to the child

When children are too unwell to come to school, they should stay at home. We can manage minor illnesses such as colds, sore throats and headaches in school. However, if you feel that your child will struggle to manage their day, then please keep them at home.

If your child has had a stomach upset or sickness, it is important that you allow a period of at least 48 hours after the sickness or diarrhoea has finished, before sending them back to school. Such action will help to prevent the infection spreading unnecessarily to others in the school.

At Dawn House School, we fully appreciate the wide and complex needs our pupils’ have which can affect their ability to attend school, however, we aim that students’ attendance is at least 94% across the year.  The Wellbeing Team is available to support families and pupils in relation to attendance.

We would ask that you try to ensure that your son/daughter achieves the best possible attendance. The Winter and Spring Terms are traditionally period of seasonal illness and, whilst we want to stress that students should not attend school if they are genuinely unfit for learning, we would ask that this is kept to the minimum required for them to recover.