6th Form

6th Form

Dawn House School’s 6th Form offers students an exciting range of learning opportunities.

Tutor group sizes vary depending on the cohort, but rarely exceed eight, with each tutor group made up of a core team of teacher, therapist and teaching assistant.

Regular tutorials take into account students’ language comprehension skills, also taking account of curriculum attainments, learning and social needs.

In Maths and English lessons pupils are grouped according to academic levels and will study the qualification most suited to their skills and needs.

Our 6th Form has a very close partnership with the nearby Vision West Nottinghamshire College and in the past Newark College and Portland College. These partnerships allow us to extend the curriculum offer through another provider – courses such as Small Animal Care, Engineering, Construction and IT. We also maintain our links with local businesses to provide work experience for our students as appropriate.

The offer

Young people can access the 6th Form for one, two or, in exceptional circumstances three years, as appropriate. The 6th Form department is open to existing Dawn House School students as well as other young people who wish to transfer at 16 from other providers.

All pupils choose a core area of study which compliments their pathway to adulthood and has due regard to the aspirations, hopes and wishes of the young person as agreed at their annual reviews and other meetings.  The 6th form curriculum offer can be downloaded at the foot of this page.  The suite of accreditations is generally within the Entry Level to GCSE range. The 6th form does not offer Level 3 or A level study. It is, however, possible to engage in a Level 3 course at our partner college, Vision West Notts College.

Dawn House School staff supports pupils on college courses or work placements in a range of ways, including:

  • Developing strong partnerships with partner organisations though training and relationship building so that they feel well supported by Dawn House School.
  • Making sure that Dawn House staff have a detailed understanding of the demands of the courses and qualifications taken by our students.
  • Ensuring that students are taught skills and knowledge that will help them in their college course or work placement. This might include vocabulary, concepts, social skills, resilience and independence.
  • Monitoring the progress of students and supporting them through any difficulties.
  • Close liaison with parents and carers to ensure all developments and progress are shared.

Business partnerships

Dawn House School has forged successful partnerships with local businesses to give our 6th Form students work experience placements that develop their employability skills. The Hospitality and Catering industry is currently the main provider with students accessing Sam’s Workplace.  Historically links have been made with the retail, animal care and warehousing industries.

Please ring Ben Norman (Deputy Principal) or Jayne Dutton (KS5 Lead Practitioner) for any further information and guidance.

Vocational Options take place on four occasions a week. We aim to give students their preferred 4 Options, but on occasion due to time tabling or class sizes we may have to review decisions.

Vocational Options take place on four occasions a week. We aim to give students their preferred 4 Options, but on occasion due to time tabling or class sizes we may have to review decisions.

Vocational Options take place on four occasions a week. We aim to give students their preferred 4 Options, but on occasion due to time tabling or class sizes we may have to review decisions.

We offer a range of exciting opportunities for everyone!