Lower School Pupils Dive into the World of Water!
Severn Trent's Experibus visits Dawn House

Today, our lower school classes enjoyed an exciting and educational visit from the Severn Trent Education team, who brought along their interactive Experibus. This unique experience gave pupils a hands-on opportunity to “Step into the role of a water worker” and explore various careers within the water industry.
The Experibus, a mobile learning environment, transformed our school into a hub of discovery. Pupils had the chance to imagine themselves as scientists, engineers, call centre operatives, and more, gaining insight into the diverse roles that keep our water systems running smoothly.
Interactive activities like ‘Flush It or Bin It’ and ‘Fix the Pipes’ engaged pupils in fun, educational games that highlighted the importance of water conservation. These activities emphasized why water is a precious resource and how small actions can make a big difference in preserving it.
The visit not only provided an engaging learning experience but also inspired our students to think about the vital role they can play in protecting our environment. We are grateful to Severn Trent for bringing such an innovative and informative experience to our school.